Planning an Unforgettable Vacation in Italy

Unknown | 06:21 | 1 comments

Italy stands out from the crowd as a country with which the word 'romance' seems eternally associated. Indeed, as luxurious and romantic escapes go, a vacation in Italy-at its most basic-can be truly unforgettable. However, with a bit more planning and decision-making, you can enhance the experience even more. Here are the top three things you should consider when planning this holiday of a lifetime.

Choose your accommodation
As far as accommodation is concerned, staying in a villa could not be more Italian. There are, naturally, boutique hotels or any number international chains, but there's something romantic and authentically Italian about the notion of staying in a villa while on vacation in Italy. Whether you are heading to the sun kissed beaches of the Amalfi Coast, Sardinia and Sicily, or the burnt umber rolling hills of Tuscany, Umbria or Puglia, there are plenty of options for you to explore. 

Do bear in mind, however, that the Italians are a festive lot and you may have a better chance of finding your ideal accommodation if you book far ahead of a scheduled fiesta or local event. This may require a bit of research to check what's on in the areas you plan to visit. Another benefit of staying in a villa is the fact that you'll be immersing in the community-you'll get to mingle with the locals at every opportunity. You also get to know where the freshest produce or ingredients for your home-cooked meals can be found, and you'll learn about the local culture in a way that no quick day trip can offer.

Plan your itinerary ahead of time
Many visitors to Italy end up being part of a tour group in which the guide, for example, thoroughly talks about this battle or that tragedy-and that's perfectly fine if it's what you want! But, on occasion, this could cause you to end up 'enduring' instead of enjoying your time. A vacation in Italy can, in fact, be a mind-blowing and sometimes exhausting event. There is so much culture and art on display that it may be overwhelming when deciding what to see and what to miss.

Research the museums or art galleries you are interested in, then choose just a selection - if you try to do everything you may end up not appreciating the art on its own merits. On the other hand, if you're really coming for the fabulous food and wine - go for it and don't feel guilty about missing a few steps on the tourist trail.

Craft a location-sensitive itinerary
The worst thing you can do on a vacation in Italy is just land at the airport and head to the nearest city (most often, that would be Rome or Milan), without any thought to the lesser-known places in this spectacular country. OK, so your camera may be filled with happy snaps of the Coliseum or the Duomo di Milano, but have you really seen the true heart and soul of the country?

While, naturally, there is much to be seen in these great cities, make sure you include some time on your itinerary for a few days exploring Tuscany or Umbria, and perhaps head down to the south and stay in a villas in Sardinia or Sicily and get a taste of how the locals spend their down time.

This country is all about the people, the places, the art, history and culture - but make sure you don't miss out on enjoying an authentic experience while ticking off the high profile "must-sees".

Helen Forbes is from Essential Italy, a company specialising in Italian holiday villas, apartments and hotels. If you're looking for the perfect villa for your vacation in Italy we can help. Our handpicked villas offer distinctive Italian qualities, great comfort and convenience.
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1 comment:

  1. Italy vacation planning
    Very informative blog. In this blog you told about accommodation which is very interesting and important. I also plan a trip to Italy in this vacation. Your blog is very much helpful.
