What Is Many Foreign Tourists' Wish in Italy? Rent Villas in Umbria

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Umbria is one of the most beloved regions of Italy. People love its mild climate, its nature, its history going back thousands of years in the past, the sympathetic and cordial character of its inhabitants and last, but not least, its traditional and healthy cuisine, integrating all the ingredients the Mediterranean soil produces.

This is why it has become fashionable for families in the entire world to find a way to explore this enchanting region of Italy. For this reason, what could be a better way to do so than renting a villa in Umbria? More and more foreign people rent villas in Umbria to spend a relaxing holiday and this is becoming a real trend in Italy: many foreign tourists coming from all over the world (especially from Russia, United States, Australia and Northern Europe) choose Italy (and Umbria region in particular) to have their "family reunions" and their holiday.

Tourists who decide to rent villas in Umbria normally look for historic farmhouses or villas, preferably in the country and surrounded by a bit of greenery. In fact, they are all searching for a bit of the Italian life style, represented by a large farmhouse immersed in a healthy environment. In fact, in the last few years, demand by foreigners in Italy is increasing especially in Umbria and Northern Lazio, where the standard of living is higher and the landscapes are stunning and green. But we cannot forget Sicily, Puglia and Calabria, recently discovered by the English, where prices are more contained and place varied and inviting. According to some recent analyses, English visitors take more than 50% of the villas rented in central regions of Italy.
We are sure you already have an idea for your next holidays in Italy, but to allow you to better understand why people are so enchanted by this country, we would like to take you by the hand and guide you through one of the most special Mediterranean regions: "Umbria".

Christmas Time in Umbria
Christmas in Umbria is so special: you can see misty lights, street vendors selling traditional decorations and seasonal cakes and sweets, and shop windows elegantly dressed with red bows and garlands of pinecones. This period in Umbria offers an unforgettable experience thanks to an enchanting blend of different colors and atmospheres. In this period, a walk through the old towns of the region will allow you better appreciating the rhythms of life in these ancient centers, the daily comings and goings of their inhabitants, their traditions and customs and - above all - the particular traditional celebrations and events in every village of Umbria. 

Street vendors, parties in local piazzas, nativity cribs, Christmas trees and street vendors are only some of the attractions offered in Umbria in this period of the year. Celebrations begin in the first days of November at 'Giano nell'Umbria', when the town opens its olive mills' doors to tourists flocking every year to participate to "Frantoi aperti sulla strada del Sagrantino"'s celebrations. During this event, the town organizes a series of guided tours and tastings of local products to introduce visitors to a unique variety of local flavors and food.

Sabrina Lamanna is a teacher and a real estate consultant. She helps foreign tourists to rent villas in Umbria and choose the best accomodation for them.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sabrina_Lamanna

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