Top Places to Visit in Madrid

Unknown | 08:50 | 0 comments

  • Palicio Real
  • Temple of Debob
  • Museo del Romanticismo (Museums of arts centers)
  • Palicio de Cristal
  • Museo Nacional del Prado
  • Zoo Aquarium
  • Real Ermita de San Antonio de la Florida
  1. The Palicio Real (Royal Palace) is the largest palace in Europe with over 200 majestically decorated, of which over 50 are available to the public. The original palace burned on Christmas Eve, 1734. King Phillips V wanted to restore the palace based on the Palace of Versailles in France. Construction began in 1738 and 26 years later was finished, however, it would take over 100 years before it was furnished. The Royal Family occupied it until 1931 when the revolution took place, and King Alfonso XIII abdicated. Since that time, the Royal Family has resided in the Zarzuela Palace, just outside Madrid.

  2. The Temple of Debob, originally built in Egypt around 2nd century B.C., but was moved and totally rebuilt in Madrid in 1960, when the new Aswan Dam was constructed in Egypt. The Egyptians donated the temple to Spain in gratitude to their contribution to the dam project.

  3. The Museo del Romanticismo, housed in the former palace of the Marquis of Matallana, built in 1776; it contains some of the most impressive collections and art of the 19th century.

  4. The Palacio de Cristal was built in 1887 to emulate the Crystal Palace in London. Built almost entirely of glass, it houses a beautiful botanical garden, as well as being set in a beautiful park of over 15,000 trees. There is a beautiful pool filled with ducks, geese, black swans and terrapins. You can get a boat ride on this beautiful pool or just walk in the beautiful garden and palace.

  5. The Museo Nacional del Prado opened to the public in 1819 with only 311 paintings. Today over 2,300 paintings, plus sculptures, prints and other works of art are exhibited. A lovely café and gift shop provide you the option of spending the day in this fabulous museum.

  6. The Zoo Aquarium is a fabulous place to spend the day, especially if you have children. Here are some of the exhibits: Sea Lion, Dolphin, Exotic Birds, Reptiles, Antipodes, Orangutans, Grizzly Bears, Elephants, Koalas, Gorillas, Pandas, Chimpanzees and a terrific Aquarium. A superb restaurant and gift shop allow you to spend the day in this beautiful park.

  7. The Real Ermita de San Antonio de la Florida is an excellent chapel noted for its magnificent ceiling and frescoes, designed by Goya, who is also buried here. Well worth the visit.
In such a fantastic city like Madrid, it is difficult to cover every place to visit. We have just named a few, but there are many more.
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